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  • State Government

2011 Senate Joint Resolution C

Give legislature authority over all government employee health plans

2011 Senate Bill 446 / Public Act 93

Increase MESSA and other government insurance disclosures

2011 Senate Bill 442 / Public Act 92

Require auto insurers give potential Medicaid info to state

2011 Senate Bill 441 / Public Act 91

Require auto insurers give potential Medicaid info to state

2011 Senate Bill 422 / Public Act 90

Increase environmental permit fees

2011 Senate Bill 398 / Public Act 72

Extend foreclosure restrictions sunset

2011 Senate Bill 346 / Public Act 127

Revise prisoner DNA sample requirements

2011 Senate Bill 229 / Public Act 89

Require certain child death reports

2011 House Bill 4792 / Public Act 99

Spend-down underfunded retired legislator health benefits fund

2011 House Bill 4627 / Public Act 102

Ban laying off more effective but less senior teachers first (“LIFO”)