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271 to 280 of 1,409 results

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  • “increase”

2017 House Bill 4209 / Public Act 51

Increase juror compensation

2017 House Bill 4302

Enhanced penalties for assaulting court employees

2017 House Bill 4611

Facilitate horse race gambling by cell phone

2017 House Bill 4167 / Public Act 35

Increase maximum length limit for agriculture equipment truck

2017 Senate Bill 211

Increase penalty for importing deer or elk carcass

2017 House Bill 4081

Regulate the “millionaire party” business

2017 Senate Bill 153

Increase pay caps for sexual assault medical forensic examinations

2017 Senate Bill 152

Increase pay caps for sexual assault medical forensic examinations

2015 Senate Bill 438 / 2016 Public Act 342

Revise utility regulations, raise renewable mandate

2015 Senate Bill 437 / 2016 Public Act 341

Adopt statewide power grid planning