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  • Civil Law

2015 House Bill 4175 / Public Act 87

Revise horseback riding liability waiver

2015 Senate Bill 351

Ban divorce lawyer “ambulance chasing”

2015 House Bill 4522

Expand legislative subpoena power

2015 Senate Bill 9 / Public Act 52

Restrict child custody changes for active military member

2015 House Bill 4482 / Public Act 51

Restrict child custody changes for active military member

2015 House Bill 4071 / Public Act 50

Restrict child custody changes for active military member

2015 House Bill 4075 / Public Act 39

Cap fees for electronic copy of electronic county documents

2015 House Bill 4017 / Public Act 41

Provide liability waiver for food donations

2015 House Bill 4244

Expand property owner recreation liability waiver

2015 Senate Bill 249

Change no fault insurance “coordination of benefits” reference