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311 to 320 of 1,409 results

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  • “increase”

2015 House Bill 5102

Put more fire representatives on construction code commission

2016 House Bill 5380

Delete obsolete reference in discrimination law

2015 Senate Bill 569 / 2016 Public Act 169

Increase cap on local “rainy day” funds

2015 House Bill 5146

Increase penalty for importing deer carcass from disease zone

2016 Senate Bill 822 / Public Act 197

Give bailout to Detroit school district

2015 House Bill 4769 / 2016 Public Act 128

Increase meth production penalties near school

2016 House Bill 5294 / Public Act 268

Appropriations: 2016-2017 “Omnibus” budget

2015 House Bill 4813 / 2016 Public Act 73

Revise electrician licensure mandate detail

2015 House Bill 5156

Revise school “professional development” rules

2015 Senate Bill 588 / 2016 Public Act 36

Increase authority of Indian tribe conservation officers