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341 to 350 of 1,409 results

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  • “increase”

2015 Senate Bill 424

Increase meth production penalties near school

2015 House Bill 4505 / Public Act 154

Increase civil asset forfeiture burden of proof

2015 House Bill 4499 / Public Act 153

Increase civil asset forfeiture burden of proof

2015 Senate Bill 340

Increase penalties for tobacco sales to minors

2015 House Bill 4542 / Public Act 160

Create college saving plan for disabled students

2015 House Bill 4463 / Public Act 137

Clarify aggravated physical abuse sentencing guideline

2015 Senate Bill 306

Authorize joining multistate “Compact for a Balanced Budget”

2015 House Bill 4615

Increase motor fuel tax

2015 Senate Bill 414 / Public Act 180

Road funding package - potential income tax reduction

2015 House Bill 4332 / Public Act 116

Increase municipal and school “emergency loan” funding