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  • State Government

2006 House Bill 6125

Impose new boiler operator regulations

2006 House Bill 6047 / Public Act 321

Create new leaking fuel tank cleanup program

2006 House Bill 5967 / Public Act 316

Revise parole violator rules

2006 House Bill 5952 / Public Act 287

Revise state fuel standards

2006 House Bill 5874

Greatly increase penalties for licensed occupation violations

2005 House Bill 4891 / 2006 Public Act 300

Define family funeral arrangements priority

2006 House Bill 6259

Require state contract invitations be posted on web

2006 House Bill 6258

Create Michigan business purchasing assistance program

2006 House Bill 6257

Require state contracts go to Michigan firms

2006 House Bill 6041

Increase state contract "preference" for Michigan firms