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  • State Government

2005 House Bill 4838 / 2006 Public Act 95

Codify Higher Education Institutional Data Inventory

2006 Senate Bill 1044

Authorize Mackinac Island land sales

2005 Senate Bill 866 / 2006 Public Act 90

Clarify ISD transportation services funding

2005 House Bill 5493

Establish multi-state nursing compact

2005 House Bill 4478

White Lake Township property conveyance

2005 Senate Bill 779 / 2006 Public Act 83

Repeal certain truck weight law sunset

2006 House Bill 5852

Mandate state reimbursement of special election costs

2006 House Bill 5753

Facilitate gasohol and biodiesel use by state vehicles

2006 House Bill 5755

Define gasohol and biodiesel in statute

2005 House Bill 5240 / 2006 Public Act 85

Revise speed limit law formulas