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  • “concealed carry”

2013 House Bill 4134

Eliminate CPL training for military; revise “gun free zone” exceptions

2013 House Bill 4133

Revise “gun free zone” CPL exception

2011 Senate Bill 59

Revise concealed pistol license procedures

2011 House Bill 4591

Revise “gun free zone” CPL exception

2011 Senate Bill 29 / 2012 Public Act 122

Allow CPL holders to keep and bear tasers

2011 Senate Bill 93 / 2012 Public Act 124

Expand CPL law to include tasers

2009 House Bill 5471

Clarify pistol purchase and carry law details

2009 House Bill 5470

Clarify pistol purchase and carry law details

2007 House Bill 4611 / 2008 Public Act 537

Establish retired law enforcement officer pistol certificate

2006 House Bill 6394 / Public Act 559

Allow concealed pistol for jail guards