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  • Labor

2007 House Bill 5491 / Public Act 188

Replace SBT references with MBT in various statutes

2007 House Bill 4401

Establish firefighters’ cancer presumption

2007 Senate Bill 869

Establish graduated post-retirement health benefit for governor

2007 House Bill 4745

Mandate employers give paid bereavement time for fallen soldier relatives

2007 House Bill 4533

Allow teachers union to bargain for privatization ban

2007 House Bill 4316

Prohibit employer religious or political meeting/communication mandates

2007 Senate Bill 290 / Public Act 46

Exempt leased employee from secondary mortgage broker licensure

2007 House Bill 4766 / Public Act 22

Balance budget with reduced pension fund contribution

2007 House Bill 4796

Cap school district superintendent compensation

2007 House Bill 4580

End post-retirement health coverage for future legislators