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41 to 50 of 111 results

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  • “"school employees"”

2017 Senate Bill 401 / Public Act 92

Overhaul school employee retirement system

2017 Senate Bill 267 / Public Act 100

Extend student safety hotline indefinitely

2017 House Bill 4647

Overhaul school employee retirement system

2015 House Bill 4338

Let local school districts not state manage 401k-type contracts

2016 Senate Bill 738 / Public Act 145

Require more state pension fund disclosures

2015 Senate Bill 279

Ban public school/union pension spiking scheme

2015 House Bill 4110 / Public Act 5

Revise school aid budget

2014 House Bill 5569 / Public Act 184

Detroit bankruptcy settlement and grant package - employee health benefits

2014 House Bill 5352 / Public Act 71

Remove “mentally retarded” references from statute

2013 House Bill 4493

Expand scope of child abuse reporting mandate