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  • Financial Institutions

2014 House Bill 5413 / Public Act 400

Allow state bank savings promotion raffles

2014 House Bill 5412 / Public Act 399

Allow state bank savings promotion raffles

2013 House Bill 5053 / Public Act 215

Clarify cash register “zapper” crime jurisdiction

2013 House Bill 5051 / Public Act 213

Clarify identity theft penalties

2013 Senate Bill 556 / Public Act 194

Ban welfare “bridge card” ATM cash at liquor or “adult” store

2013 Senate Bill 434 / Public Act 193

Require financial institutions help enforce welfare benefit restrictions

2013 House Bill 5015 / Public Act 198

Ban welfare “bridge card” ATM cash at race track

2013 House Bill 5014 / Public Act 197

Ban welfare “bridge card” ATM cash at liquor stores

2013 House Bill 4859 / Public Act 196

Require financial institutions help enforce welfare benefit restrictions

2013 House Bill 4858 / Public Act 195

Require financial institutions help enforce welfare benefit restrictions