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501 to 510 of 1,433 results

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  • “increase”

2013 House Bill 4208 / Public Act 245

Revise “resort district” tax and infrastructure law

2013 Senate Bill 542 / Public Act 270

Permit more generous government employee health benefits

2013 House Bill 4889 / Public Act 203

Increase drug trafficking penalties

2013 House Bill 4546 / Public Act 202

Increase marketing “assessments” imposed on potato growers

2013 House Bill 4397 / Public Act 257

Move back deadline to place local tax and bond issues on ballot

2013 House Bill 4396 / Public Act 256

Move back deadline to place local tax and bond issues on ballot

2013 House Bill 4572

Revise taxation of airplane fuel

2013 House Bill 4571

Increase aviation gas tax

2013 Senate Bill 172 / Public Act 176

Increase trespass while hunting penalties

2013 Senate Bill 171 / Public Act 175

Increase fine for illegally shooting deer with big racks