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  • “subsidy”
  • Economic Development

2016 House Bill 5652

Revise port authority subsidy detail

2015 House Bill 4440 / 2016 Public Act 273

Shift some road tax money from corporate subsidies to road projects

2015 Senate Bill 579

Exempt new library taxes from brownfields “capture”

2015 Senate Bill 200

Authorize state subsidies to brokers selling certain stock portfolios

2015 Senate Bill 556 / Public Act 218

Extend “commercial rehabilitation” tax break law

2015 House Bill 4365 / Public Act 194

Cap certain previously authorized corporate subsidies or tax breaks

2015 House Bill 4226 / Public Act 125

Expand technology business subsidies

2015 House Bill 4122 / Public Act 117

Repeal film producer subsidies

2015 House Bill 4608

House GOP road funding package (corporate subsidies repeal)

2015 Senate Bill 2

Repeal “prevailing wage” law