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Retirement: public school employees; unfunded actuarial accrued liability contribution amount for a university reporting unit; modify.
Education: calendar; restrictions on school start date; eliminate.
Education: teachers and administrators; factors for personnel decisions; modify.
Labor: collective bargaining; collective bargaining agreements that require the automatic deduction of union dues; remove prohibition against a district or intermediate district from entering into.
Labor: public service employment; performance evaluation standards, merit pay standards, and decisions on layoff, recall, hiring, position eliminations, classroom observation, teacher placement, evaluation, discipline, and discharge; remove from prohibited subjects of bargaining for public school employers.
Labor: public service employment; provisions related to the collection of union dues by public school personnel and the freezing of wages and benefits for certain public employees during contract negotiations; repeal.
Liquor: licenses; issuance of liquor licenses to sporting venues on premises of public universities; allow.
Education: counseling; reciprocity for out-of-state school counselors; expand.
Education: teachers and administrators; certain requirements concerning teacher certification; modify.
Education: students; information regarding sexual assault and harassment; require schools to provide to students and encourage related professional development.