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901 to 910 of 1,433 results

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  • “increase”

2007 Senate Bill 524

Increase judges' pensions

2007 Senate Bill 540 / Public Act 167

Revise trespassing definition

2007 Senate Bill 453 / Public Act 158

Increase builders license fines, fees and regulations

2007 Senate Bill 452 / Public Act 157

Increase builders license fines, fees and regulations

2007 Senate Bill 451 / Public Act 156

Increase builders license fines, fees and regulations

2007 Senate Bill 450 / Public Act 155

Increase builders license fines, fees and regulations

2007 House Bill 5139 / Public Act 154

Increase state income tax government pension exemption

2007 House Bill 4936 / Public Act 162

Eliminate sunset on childhood lead commission