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Trade: business practices; excessively increased pricing for energy products and services during a market disruption; prohibit.
Housing: public accommodations; excessively increased pricing in hotel and lodging industry during a declared state of emergency; prohibit.
Trade: business practices; excessively increased pricing for certain goods and services during a declared state of emergency; prohibit.
Trade: vehicles; motor vehicle sales finance act; modify.
Consumer protection: unfair trade practices; disclosure of automatic renewal provisions in consumer contracts; require.
Consumer protection: other; no sell list for firearms; create.
Health facilities: hospitals; collection of debts; prohibit if hospital is not in compliance with price transparency laws.
Consumer protection: identity theft; references to identity theft protection act in code of criminal procedure; update.
Consumer protection: identity theft; references to identity theft protection act in 1846 RS 1; update.
Consumer protection: identity theft; references to identity theft protection act in Michigan penal code; revise.