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  • Local Government

2023 House Bill 4879

Local government: other; sanctuary policy prohibition act; create.

2023 House Bill 4866

Townships: charter; procedures to approve annexation petition; revise.

2023 House Bill 4835

Cities: home rule; private road maintenance or improvement projects; allow.

2023 House Bill 4741

Property tax: exemptions; disabled veteran exemption; hold local taxing units harmless for.

2023 House Bill 4585

Labor: collective bargaining; right-to-work zones; allow local units of government to establish.

2023 Senate Bill 338

Counties: charter; election of county executive in a charter county; modify election schedule to the presidential election years.

2023 House Bill 4536

Counties: charter; election of county executive in a charter county; modify election schedule to the presidential election years.

2023 House Bill 4428

Local government: other; publication of legal notices; revise, and create the local government public notice act.

2023 House Bill 4359

Environmental protection: pollution prevention; plastic bags and other containers; repeal act preempting local regulation of.

2023 Senate Bill 243

Economic development: tax increment financing; tax capture districts; exempt public libraries.