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Use tax: collections; collection of use tax by small businesses; modify.
Sales tax: collections; collection of sales tax by small businesses; modify.
Insurance: health insurers; coverage for dispensing a 90-day refill for maintenance prescription drug; require of health insurers.
Businesses: nonprofit corporations; ability of a hospital to convert from a county hospital to a nonprofit hospital; allow.
Commercial code: other; citations to the motor vehicle sales finance act; revise.
Insurance: health insurers; certain annual reports of nonprofit health care corporations; require.
Insurance: health insurers; certain annual reports of health insurers relating to mental health parity; require.
Insurance: health benefits; nonprofit health care corporation to panel a mental health provider within a certain time period of the application process; require.
Insurance: insurers; insurance providers to panel a mental health provider within a certain time period of application process; require.
Insurance: health insurers; coverage of for PrEP and PEP prescriptions; provide for.