Health: screening; dental oral assessment program for certain children; require department of health and human services to establish.
Animals: research facilities; certain research facilities to offer certain laboratory animals for adoption before euthanization; require.
Animals: research facilities; reporting requirements and penalties for noncompliance; provide for.
Health: controlled substances; overdose fatality review act; create.
Economic development: tax increment financing; retroactive application; allow.
Courts: judges; number of judges in Kent County district court; increase.
Courts: judges; number of judges in Macomb County probate court; increase.
Property: conveyance of state property; conditions on property previously conveyed to Muskegon County; remove.
Courts: juries; exemption from jury service for certain military personnel; allow.
Highways: memorial; portion of M-50 in Eaton County; designate as the "Ensign Francis Flaherty Medal of Honor Recipient Memorial Highway".