
331 to 340 of 1,948 results

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  • Children

2020 Senate Bill 893 / Public Act 390

Revise juvenile “status offense” sanctions

2020 Senate Bill 700 / Public Act 389

Revise juvenile “status offense” sanctions

2019 Senate Bill 682 / 2020 Public Act 362

Make juvenile criminal offense records confidential

2019 Senate Bill 681 / 2020 Public Act 361

Expunge juvenile criminal offense records

2020 Senate Bill 983

Revise state “children's ombudsman” organization

2020 House Bill 6530

Revise child care immunization mandates

2020 House Bill 6521

Make children exposed to lead eligible for certain services

2019 Senate Bill 289

Create new online child abuse offenders registry

2020 House Bill 6509

Require lawyer-guardian ad litem take domestic violence course

2020 Senate Bill 1248

Authorize tax breaks for household living expenses