
721 to 730 of 959 results

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  • Human Services

2007 House Bill 4136

Allow food stamps at certain restaurants

2007 House Bill 4115

Pressure drug companies to provide rebates to state

2006 House Bill 6478 / Public Act 674

Establish long-term care financing programs

2005 Senate Bill 649 / 2006 Public Act 576

Revise county Medicaid nursing home details

2005 Senate Bill 466 / 2006 Public Act 575

Require patient health care records retention

2005 House Bill 5389 / 2006 Public Act 634

Create long term care “single points of entry”

2006 Senate Bill 1393 / Public Act 512

Revise "family development account" details

2005 Senate Bill 640 / 2006 Public Act 513

Authorize “individual or family development accounts”

2006 Senate Bill 1501 / Public Act 471

Revise welfare case tracking

2006 Senate Bill 1500 / Public Act 470

Extend certain welfare reform sunset