Mental health: code; updates regarding the transition from specialty prepaid inpatient health plans to specialty integration plans; provide for.
Human services: medical services; specialty integrated plan; provide for in behavioral health services.
A resolution to declare May 2023 as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Drains: water management districts; chapter 22 of drain code; revise process following determination of sufficiency of petition and proposed boundaries.
Health: pharmaceuticals; distribution of naloxone under the administration of opioid antagonist act to any individual; provide for.
Water supply: quality and standards; installations of filtration systems in child care centers; require.
Property tax: payment in lieu of taxes; payment in lieu of taxes for certain renewable energy facilities; provide for.
Education: financing; requirements concerning taxes levied for area career and technical education programs; modify.
Construction: asbestos; public contracts for asbestos abatement projects; require disclosure of environmental violations.
Construction: asbestos; public contracts for asbestos abatement projects; require under certain circumstances background investigation, public posting of certain information, and public hearings.