Elections: petitions; ballot initiative and constitutional amendment petition filing deadlines; modify, and modify petition signature requirements.
Elections: petitions; duties of the secretary of state and the board of state canvassers regarding ballot initiative and constitutional amendment petitions; modify.
Elections: petitions; statistical random sampling of ballot initiative petitions, constitutional amendment petitions, and qualifying petitions; provide for, allow for the disqualification of obviously fraudulent petition signatures, and modify petition signature requirements.
Elections: petitions; statistical random sampling of nominating petition signatures; provide for, and allow for the disqualification of obviously fraudulent nominating petition signatures.
Elections: petitions; provisions regarding ballot initiative petitions, constitutional amendment petitions, and nominating petitions; modify, and provide for the statistical random sampling of certain petition signatures.
Health facilities: hospitals; require hospitals to provide information on health insurance enrollment process for newborns; provide for.
Health: other; program to register perinatal facilities as certain maternal care facilities; establish.
Human services: medical services; coverage for mental health screenings for new mothers; require.
Insurance: health insurers; coverage for mental health screenings for new mothers; require.
Health: screening; mental health screenings and resources for mothers; provide for during certain time periods.