Economic development: other; principal shopping district and business improvement zones; modify.
Sales tax: exemptions; definitions of food sold in an unheated state by weight or volume and food sold with eating utensils; modify.
Use tax: exemptions; definitions of food sold in an unheated state by weight or volume and food sold with eating utensils; modify.
Economic development: other; definition of qualified city; modify.
Property tax: payment in lieu of taxes; payment in lieu of taxes for renewable energy facilities; provide for.
Property tax: payment in lieu of taxes; payment in lieu of taxes for certain renewable energy facilities; provide for.
Communications: other; certain office within the department of labor and economic opportunity; create.
Crimes: criminal sexual conduct; definition of mentally incapacitated for criminal sexual conduct cases; modify.
Sales tax: other; reference to the brownfield redevelopment financing act; update.
Use tax: other; reference to the brownfield redevelopment financing act; update.