Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for the commission of a hate crime; provide for.
Crime victims: other; elements for commission of a hate crime; create.
Labor: collective bargaining; collective bargaining agreements that require the automatic deduction of union dues; remove prohibition against a district or intermediate district from entering into.
Labor: public service employment; performance evaluation standards, merit pay standards, and decisions on layoff, recall, hiring, position eliminations, classroom observation, teacher placement, evaluation, discipline, and discharge; remove from prohibited subjects of bargaining for public school employers.
Labor: public service employment; labor organizations' assistance in collecting dues from public school employees; remove prohibition against.
Labor: public service employment; provisions related to the collection of union dues by public school personnel and the freezing of wages and benefits for certain public employees during contract negotiations; repeal.
Transportation: railroads; local grade separation grant program and fund; create.
Holidays: other; "Juneteenth"; designate as a public holiday and observe on June 19.
Elections: other; precinct size; increase.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for certain Michigan election law violations; update references.