Tobacco: other; criminal penalties and civil sanctions for minors that purchase, possess, or use tobacco products, vapor products, or alternative nicotine products; sunset.
Tobacco: other; reference to 1915 PA 31 in the age of majority act of 1971; revise.
Tobacco: licenses; license to sell a nicotine or tobacco product at retail; require.
Health facilities: hospitals; mandatory overtime for nurses; prohibit except under certain circumstances.
Criminal procedure: expunction; certain conditions allowing for setting aside convictions and certain implementation dates; amend.
Civil procedure: other; notice requirements for actions filed in the court of claims; modify.
Michigan business tax: credits; early termination of credit for a business located in a renaissance zone; allow.
State agencies (proposed): boards and commissions; commission on Middle Eastern American affairs; establish.
Property: conveyance of state property; transfer of certain state-owned property in Eaton County; provide for.
Trade: business practices; excessively increased pricing for energy products and services during a market disruption; prohibit.