Financial institutions: money transmitters; money transmission modernization act; create.
Health occupations: psychologists; requirements for practice by limited licensed psychologist; modify.
Health facilities: birthing centers; licensing for freestanding birth centers; provide for.
Health: pharmaceuticals; allow patients to take unused portion of eye drops or eye ointments after certain procedures for continued patient care; provide for.
Vehicles: registration; recreation passport fee; include in renewal of vehicle registration unless applicant opts out.
Human services: medical services; certified community behavioral health clinics; provide certification and funding for.
Human services: medical services; certified community behavioral health clinics; provide certification and funding for.
Insurance: other; allocation of revenue under the insurance provider assessment act; modify.
Records: health; health information exchange for certain entities and data; require health information technology commission to designate.
Education: curriculum; instruction in organ and tissue donation; require.