Elections: voting equipment; allowable uses for on-demand ballot printing systems; expand. .
Retirement: state police; naming a special needs trust as beneficiary; allow.
Retirement: public school employees; naming a special needs trust as beneficiary; allow.
Retirement: state employees; naming a special needs trust as beneficiary; allow.
Retirement: judges; naming a special needs trust as beneficiary; allow.
Transportation: funds; local agency infrastructure disaster relief fund and board; create.
Crimes: prostitution; penalties for and references to prostitute and prostitution crimes in sentencing guidelines; amend.
Crimes: prostitution; references to prostitute and prostitution; modify in sex offender registration act.
Crimes: prostitution; references to prostitute and prostitution; modify in the human trafficking notification act.
Crimes: prostitution; references to prostitute and prostitution; modify in the child protection law.