Civil procedure: injunctions; extreme risk protection order act; enact.
Weapons: firearms; references in sentencing guidelines; update.
Education: curriculum; model program of instruction in cursive handwriting; create, and make optional for public schools.
Education: attendance; excused absence from public school for the purpose of sounding "Taps" at a military honor funeral for a deceased veteran; provide for.
Use tax: exemptions; firearm safety devices; exempt.
Sales tax: exemptions; firearm safety devices; exempt.
Crimes: weapons; sentencing guidelines reference; update.
Crimes: weapons; penalties for storing or leaving a firearm where it may be accessed by a minor; provide for.
Crimes: abortion; provision related to publication of cures for conceptive preventatives; repeal.
Military affairs: other; Michigan National Guard tuition assistance program; expand eligibility for spouses and dependants.