A resolution to declare March 21, 2025, as Rosie the Riveter Day in the state of Michigan.
Public employees and officers: ethics; lobbying guidelines for legislative staff; provide for.
Agriculture: industrial hemp; cross-references to industrial hemp research and development act within the industrial hemp growers act; amend.
Recreation: other; operation of certain vehicles under the influence of marihuana; prohibit.
Crimes: intoxication or impairment; intoxicating substance list for operating while intoxicated; modify to include marihuana.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for certain marihuana offenses; update.
Crimes: other; delivery of a controlled substance causing death; amend.
Controlled substances: schedules; classification of marihuana and pharmaceutical-grade cannabis as a controlled substance; remove.
Labor: leave; permissible use for earned sick time; modify.
Employment security: benefits; disqualification from receiving benefits when leaving employment; create exception for victim of domestic violence, gender violence, or sexual violence.