Higher education: financial aid; Michigan education trust act; modify.
Highways: memorial; portion of I-94; designate as the "Officer Mohamed Said Memorial Highway".
Individual income tax: other; qualified higher education expenses under the Michigan education savings program; conform with most recent federal modifications.
Individual income tax: other; definition of internal revenue code under the MiABLE program; update.
Traffic control: traffic regulation; requirement to drive in the right-hand lane of a roadway with 2 lanes for travel in 1 direction; modify.
Corporate income tax: flow-through entities; treatment of certain limited liability companies as a corporation; provide for.
Businesses: business corporations; applicability of the business corporation act; modify.
Businesses: limited liability companies; definition of business organization; modify.
Communications: telecommunications; conversion for telephone corporations to domestic limited liability company; provide for.
Insurance: health benefits; hearing related services and devices; require coverage.