Criminal procedure: defenses; affirmative defense that individual committed a crime because the individual was a victim of human trafficking; establish.
Criminal procedure: expunction; criminal convictions that may be set aside on grounds of being a victim of human trafficking; expand.
Torts: liability; immunity for individuals rendering emergency services who apply bleeding control; provide for.
Recreation: other; act regarding medical emergencies in health clubs; revise cross reference to the Good Samaritan Act.
Human services: medical services; participation in the ground emergency medical transport reimbursement program; require.
Corporate income tax: flow-through entities; dates to make election to pay the tax and submit certain information; modify.
Employment security: other; updates to the employment security act; provide for.
Employment security: other; updates to the employment security act; provide for.
Employment security: benefits; disqualification from benefits; modify.
Employment security: benefits; hardship application waiver; modify.