Health occupations: occupational therapists; licensure process for occupational therapists; modify to incorporate occupational therapy licensure compact.
Environmental protection: sewage; violations for sewer overflows; modify.
Probate: trusts; uniform statutory rule against perpetuities; revise to reflect limitation of the personal property trust perpetuities act to certain property.
Probate: trusts; procedures relating to the administration of unitrusts and income trusts; provide for.
Probate: powers of attorney; use of 2-way real-time audio-visual technology to execute a power of attorney; allow.
Environmental protection: sewage; violations for sewer overflows; modify.
A resolution to declare June 27, 2024, as Public Employee Freedom Day in the state of Michigan.
Crimes: prostitution; references to prostitute and prostitution; modify in the fourth class city act.
Criminal procedure: arrests; bond condition of psychological screening for defendant arrested for a misdemeanor while in possession of a firearm; create.
Criminal procedure: forfeiture; disposal of funds from seized vehicles; clarify.