Public utilities: public service commission; electric vehicle charging station operators; exempt from certain public utility requirements.
Insurance: health insurers; minimum required coverage; provide for.
Insurance: health insurers; annual and lifetime dollar limits; prohibit.
Insurance: health insurers; coverage for dependents under the age of 26; require.
Insurance: insurers; denying coverage based on gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation or expression; prohibit.
Appropriations: omnibus; appropriations for multiple departments and branches for fiscal year 2023-2024; provide for, and make supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2022-2023.
Health: anatomical gifts; inclusion on the donor registry of an individual who elects to be a donor on an income tax schedule; allow.
Individual income tax: forms; option for individuals to complete a donor registry schedule to participate in organ donor registry with annual income tax return; provide for.
Human services: medical services; general changes to the medical assistance program; provide for.
Elections: voters; definition of identification for election purposes; expand.