A resolution to declare February 11, 2025, as White Shirt Day in the state of Michigan.
Individual income tax: credit; credit for donations of feminine hygiene products to schools; provide for.
Land use: zoning and growth management; minimum residential parking space requirements; limit.
Michigan business tax: credits; early termination of credit for a business located in a renaissance zone; allow.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for discharging a firearm at a motor vehicle; provide for.
Financial institutions: payday lending; deferred presentment services transactions act; revise internal references related to money transmission services.
Housing: landlord and tenants; notification of defective conditions on premises and time limits for landlords to commence repairs; provide.
Individual income tax: credit; working parent credit; provide for.
Labor: other; local government labor regulatory limitation act; repeal.
Occupations: cosmetologists; branch facilities for a school of cosmetology; provide for.