Energy: alternative sources; large scale solar, wind, and energy storage facilities; authorize MPSC certification for zoning exemptions.
Campaign finance: other; automatic payroll deductions for PAC contributions; allow.
Labor: public service employment; deduction from a public employee's wages for certain political purposes; remove prohibition against.
Appropriations: department of agriculture and rural development; appropriations for fiscal year 2023-2024; provide for.
Appropriations: department of labor and economic opportunity; appropriations for fiscal year 2023-2024; provide for.
Crimes: abortion; provision related to publication of cures for conceptive preventatives; repeal.
Labor: hours and wages; prevailing wage; reenact.
Labor: collective bargaining; collective bargaining rights; revise to restore former provisions.
Labor: collective bargaining; collective bargaining rights; revise to restore former provisions.
Crimes: abortion; penalty for administering with intent to procure miscarriage and advertisement or sale of certain drugs; repeal.