Criminal procedure: sentencing; criminal justice policy commission; create.
Economic development: brownfield redevelopment authority; brownfield redevelopment financing act; amend to exempt museum authorities.
Economic development: tax increment financing; tax increment financing act; amend to exempt museum authorities.
Human services: medical services; workforce engagement requirements for Healthy Michigan plan; repeal.
History and arts: other; history museum authorities act; create.
Individual income tax: credit; research and development credit for certain small employers; provide for.
Corporate income tax: credits; research and development credit for certain large employers; provide for.
Elections: petitions; statistical random sampling of petition signatures for petitions to form a new political party; provide for.
Elections: petitions; ballot initiative and constitutional amendment petition filing deadlines; modify, and modify petition signature requirements.
Elections: petitions; duties of the secretary of state and the board of state canvassers regarding ballot initiative and constitutional amendment petitions; modify.