Appropriations: supplemental; supplemental appropriations; provide for.
Construction: other; installation of temporary locking devices or systems in child care centers; require.
Construction: other; exclusion of temporary locking devices or systems installed in child care centers; update under the fire prevention code.
Construction: other; installation of temporary locking devices or systems in child care centers; allow.
Highways: bridges; Mackinac Bridge; designate as a key facility.
A resolution to direct the Clerk of the House of Representatives to only present to the Governor enrolled House bills finally passed by both houses of the One Hundred Third Legislature.
A resolution to strongly encourage the Michigan High School Athletic Association to promptly align its eligibility rules for high school athletes with Executive Order 14201 to preserve the integrity of competition and the safety of our female athletes.
Education: teachers and administrators; district-level certifications; provide for.
Education: teachers and administrators; endorsement requirements; modify.
Education: other; fees for evaluation of applications; eliminate.