Courts: other; Michigan indigent defense commission act; expand duties to include indigent defense of youth.
Human services: medical services; compliance with the prescription drug cost and affordability review act; require.
Agriculture: other; license for operation of agricultural labor camp; modify.
Energy: gas and oil; certain standards under the motor fuels quality act; update.
Trade: consumer goods and services; regulation of the shopping reform and modernization act; modify.
Land use: farmland and open space; expenditures for administrative costs in the agriculture preservation fund; modify.
Property tax: assessments; the effect of certain limitations on the use of property, such as a restriction or easement in a deed, will, or other instrument; clarify relevance when assessing true cash value.
Natural resources: land acquisition; preservation of land and water; provide for.
Education: all other employees; regional school health coordinators; require.
Environmental protection: pollution prevention; coal tar sealant or other high PAH sealant for pavement; prohibit use and sale.