Environmental protection: water pollution; water resources protection; modify.
Tobacco: retail sales; preemption of local ordinances pertaining to the sale of tobacco products or the licensure of distributors; eliminate.
Retirement: public school employees; effect of election of retirant's divorce from spouse designated as beneficiary; modify.
Agriculture: pesticides; pesticide notification requirements; modify.
Civil procedure: civil actions; action for medical monitoring for individuals exposed to a proven toxic substance; provide for.
A concurrent resolution to urge the United States Congress to designate the Ehlco Area, the Trap Hills, the Norwich Plains, and a 2,000-acre addition to the Sturgeon River Gorge Wilderness in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula as federal Wilderness.
Crimes: other; penalties for certain offenses committed when victim and offender have a domestic relationship; provide for.
Criminal procedure: evidence; admissibility of evidence of other acts in certain human trafficking and prostitution prosecutions; provide for.
Public utilities: public service commission; certain provisions regarding rate cases and integrated resource plans; revise.
Natural resources: fishing; certain requirements for charter boat operators, commercial fishers, and wholesale dealers of fish; modify.