Labor: fair employment practices; certain information about a job applicant's compensation history and credit history; prohibit an employer from seeking or asking about.
Health: testing; notification of dense breast tissue; eliminate, and provide for other general amendments to the use of radiation machines for mammography.
Food: licensing; licensure exemptions; modify to include certain disabled individuals.
Crimes: definitions; definition of racketeering; include embezzlement from a vulnerable adult.
State management: funds; funding for businesses with lost revenue due to road construction projects; provide for.
School aid: supplemental; school aid supplemental; provide for.
Appropriations: supplemental; supplemental appropriations; provide for.
Human services: medical services; medical assistance coverage for ultrasound procedures and fetal nonstress tests performed in certain locations; provide for.
Health: occupations; Michigan essential health provider recruitment strategy; expand to include midwives.
Probate: patient advocates; withholding life-sustaining treatment for a patient who is pregnant; allow.