Liquor: other; payment of administrative fee to wholesaler for a payment dishonored by a financial institution; require.
Liquor: liquor control commission; suspension of retailer license for dishonored payments under certain conditions; provide for.
Liquor: retail sales; displaying co-branded alcoholic beverages adjacent to certain products; prohibit.
Land use: land division; number of parcels resulting from division; authorize counties and municipalities to increase.
Health facilities: hospitals; collection of debts; prohibit if hospital is not in compliance with price transparency laws.
Health: pharmaceuticals; drug manufacturers from engaging in certain conduct with pharmacies participating with a 340B program; prohibit.
Highways: memorial; portion of M-22; designate as the "Company K Indian Veterans 1st Michigan Sharpshooters Civil War Memorial Highway".
Juveniles: juvenile justice services; certain information sharing for research purposes in juvenile justice cases; allow.
State agencies (proposed): authorities; use of grant funds and issuance of revenue bonds; modify.
Economic development: Michigan strategic fund; procurement technical assistance center (PTAC); update to APEX Accelerator.