Children: services; children's ombudsman; rename, and modify powers and duties.
Health: pharmaceuticals; prescription drug cost and affordability review act; create.
Family law: marriage and divorce; marriage entered into by a person under 18 years of age; void.
Family law: marriage and divorce; action to annul a marriage based on legal age of consent; modify.
Family law: marriage and divorce; minimum age of consent for marriage; establish at 18.
Appropriations: school aid omnibus; appropriations in the school aid act for fiscal year 2023-2024; provide for. Amends, adds & repeals (See bill).
Appropriations: department of labor and economic opportunity; appropriations for fiscal year 2023-2024; provide for.
Appropriations: department of health and human services; appropriations for fiscal year 2023-2024; provide for.
Appropriations: general government; appropriations for fiscal year 2023-2024; provide for.
Civil rights: general discrimination; sexual orientation and gender identity or expression; include as categories protected under the Elliott-Larsen civil rights act.