Labor: youth employment; youth employment standards act; modify work permit issuance procedures.
Appropriations: department of health and human services; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Appropriations: department of labor and economic opportunity; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Appropriations: general government; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Appropriations: higher education; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Appropriations: department of state police; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Appropriations: department of military and veterans affairs; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Public utilities: public service commission; certain provisions regarding rate cases and integrated resource plans; revise.
Economic development: brownfield redevelopment authority; tax capture revenues; modify.
Appropriations: school aid omnibus; appropriations in the school aid act for fiscal year 2023-2024; provide for. Amends, adds & repeals (See bill).