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  • Natural Resources

2017 House Bill 4424 / Public Act 124

Increase penalty for importing deer or elk carcass

2017 House Bill 4082 / Public Act 60

Revise prescribed burn notification details

2017 Senate Bill 176 / Public Act 45

Clarify highway attraction sign eligibility

2017 Senate Bill 129 / Public Act 40

Regulate small native copper mines separately

2017 Senate Bill 118 / Public Act 39

Expand DNR role in “Rails to Trails” projects

2016 House Bill 5664 / Public Act 524

Allow pension “double dipping” by retired state hospital psychiatrists

2016 Senate Bill 1093 / Public Act 477

Revise invasive plant designation process to extend for another two years the deadline for state officials

2016 Senate Bill 913 / Public Act 476

Revise “brownfield” subsidies

2016 Senate Bill 912 / Public Act 475

Revise “brownfield” subsidies

2016 Senate Bill 911 / Public Act 474

Revise “brownfield” subsidies