
161 to 170 of 383 results

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  • Environment

2011 House Bill 4379 / Public Act 96

Revise lake board dissolution

2011 Senate Bill 422 / Public Act 90

Increase environmental permit fees

2011 House Bill 4111 / Public Act 65

Provide limited liability to volunteer conservation workers

2011 Senate Bill 141 / Public Act 23

Revise Gladwin state land transfer details

2011 House Bill 4212 / Public Act 2

Create "Michigan Environmental Assurance Advisory Council" for farms

2011 Senate Bill 122 / Public Act 1

Create farm "Environmental Assurance Advisory Council"

2010 Senate Bill 1564 / Public Act 357

Revise landfill and hazardous waste permitting requirements

2010 Senate Bill 1506 / Public Act 345

Exempt sugar beet production from certain solid waste regulations

2009 Senate Bill 883 / 2010 Public Act 333

Revise “Internet tax” system detail

2009 Senate Bill 904 / 2010 Public Act 301

Revise "green schools" criteria