Labor: collective bargaining; definition of public employee in 1947 PA 336; remove exclusion of certain graduate assistants from.
Labor: organizations; public employee contact information; require public employers to provide to bargaining representatives.
Energy: alternative sources; energy storage, clean energy, and increased renewable energy; set targets for.
Land use: zoning and growth management; large scale solar, wind, and energy storage facilities; make zoning enabling act subject to.
Energy: alternative sources; large scale solar, wind, and energy storage facilities; authorize MPSC certification for zoning exemptions.
Labor: other; community and worker economic transition office; establish.
Public utilities: public service commission; certain provisions regarding rate cases and integrated resource plans; revise.
Land use: farmland and open space; continued PA 116 enrollment; allow for farmland during deferment period of use for commercial solar facilities.
Energy: alternative sources; participation in the energy waste reduction program by municipally owned utilities and co-ops; require, and set specific targets for all electric providers.
Civil procedure: civil actions; civil actions against certain opioid litigation settlement defendants; prohibit.