
261 to 270 of 675 results

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  • Education

2015 House Bill 4060 / Public Act 44

Require certain state university admissions practices

2015 Senate Bill 139 / Public Act 42

Authorize fundraising "bake sales" in schools

2013 Senate Bill 423 / 2014 Public Act 555

Require schools teach American foundational principles; SCHOOL SPENDING "ADEQUACY" STUDY

2014 House Bill 5439 / Public Act 547

Permit growing industrial hemp for research

2014 House Bill 5444 / Public Act 530

Revise foster care trust fund details

2014 House Bill 5806 / Public Act 485

Allow deeper debt for college conservation improvements

2014 House Bill 5669 / Public Act 484

Revise private school teacher “professional development” detail

2013 House Bill 5036 / 2014 Public Act 483

Require certain community college admissions practices

2013 House Bill 5035 / 2014 Public Act 482

Require certain community college admissions practices

2014 Senate Bill 1142 / Public Act 481

Mandate college fire drill standards