Retirement: public school employees; employment of retirant without forfeiting the retirant's retirement allowance for retirant earning less than a certain dollar amount; allow.
Health: screening; screening minors for lead poisoning; require at intervals determined by the department of health and human services by rule, and require documentation of screening in certificate of immunization.
Health: screening; certificate of immunization; require department of health and human services to update to indicate whether minor has been tested for lead poisoning.
Labor: collective bargaining; collective bargaining agreements that require the automatic deduction of union dues; remove prohibition against a district or intermediate district from entering into.
Labor: collective bargaining; prohibited subjects of bargaining; remove a public school employer's decision to contract with a third party for noninstructional support services from.
Sales tax: exemptions; definitions of food sold in an unheated state by weight or volume and food sold with eating utensils; modify.
Use tax: exemptions; definitions of food sold in an unheated state by weight or volume and food sold with eating utensils; modify.
Environmental protection: other; general amendments to fees in the natural resources and environmental protection act; modify.
State management: funds; funding related to the 21st century jobs trust fund; modify.
Health: other; certain fees and assessments; modify, and make general revisions to the public health code.