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  • “pyramid”

2019 House Bill 5188 / 2020 Public Act 30

Revise source of foregone revenue from “data center” tax breaks

2019 House Bill 5187 / 2020 Public Act 29

Revise source of foregone revenue from “data center” tax breaks

2018 House Bill 5729 / Public Act 189

Ban "pyramid promotional schemes”

2018 House Bill 5728 / Public Act 188

Ban "pyramid promotional schemes”

2018 House Bill 5727 / Public Act 187

Ban "pyramid promotional schemes”

2018 House Bill 5726 / Public Act 186

Ban "pyramid promotional schemes”

2015 Senate Bill 617 / Public Act 252

Exempt developers of Steelcase “Pyramid” building from use tax

2015 Senate Bill 616 / Public Act 251

Exempt developers of “Pyramid” building from sales tax

2013 Senate Bill 608 / 2014 Public Act 34

Authorize additional state spending, projects, debt, and Medicaid expansion fund source shifts